Another woman has stolen my daddy's hugs. Photo credit - Link |
Until one night I found out the truth without even hearing them in words. My daddy's tears on my shoulders were more than enough evidence of the silent confession that I knew has become a harsher truth. I knew from that night on, something in me has died and a wound would scar me for life.
At first, I would not believe it. I refuse to hear the rumors that had me having goosebumps. But as someone who knows my father well, I chose to ignore the signs. I chose to listen to the awkwardness that crept slowly then painfully in our family. I was in the state of denial - so were my parents - refusing to believe that we cannot work things out.
My parents had their own reasons why they decided to separate in the end. I respect their decision. I swallowed the bitterness hard not wanting to reach my heart and pull me down all my life. I fought with everything I got not to become the typical rebellious daughter that can use the broken family excuse to ruin her life. I know I can be better than that.
If you are in this similar situation, I tell you not to give up on yourself. You do not need to blame anyone for what happened- especially yourself. I am not asking you to become a saint and forgive the other woman - I am asking you to live your life unscathed and hopeful. I ask you not to grow up too fast so you can remember all your happy memories with you dad. I urge you to take a stand and always look forward to better days. I ask you to love yourself more and become stronger to not fear seeing your parents as real persons who have real issues that they just could not work out.
I chose to let it go. I chose to believe that bad things happening does not license anyone to giving their negativity to the world back. If you ask me, I am a weak person but I pulled through with the help of the right friends and prayers. I am not a religious person, in fact, I am a non-practicing Christian. But I believe in some Higher Power that can lend me enough strength to move on. Life is still beautiful no matter how lacking, ugly, or hurt you might be right now. You cannot understand now, but in time, you will. Remain patient with yourself to reach that level of understanding.
I did, eventually. It took long years, but I never gave up. I stayed faithful to myself that I can have my own life outside that traumatic experience. Yes, I could catch myself once in a while blaming the situation for something happening in the present but I always kick back and humor myself. I might bear some unfortunate consequences of my daddy leaving our home, but I know he still wants me happy even without him too involved in my life and I intend to heal the scar I have - even without him.
I can always say daddy is unfair with how things are going right now. I could always cuss at him and assert my rights. But I would not do that. I have outgrown it already. Right now, I just know that I had lost him eleven years ago when he walked out of our door. At that time, I knew he said goodbye not totally, but I knew he left.
I used to hope that he will be back someday but suffered only grave disappointments. This taught me to handle bigger disappointments in my life without blaming it to anything or anyone else. Sh*t just happens and you just have to deal with what you have got with the fervent hope that things will be okay.
I used to think he will leave that other woman, but he stayed with her and had kids. This showed me that life does not always go the way you want it to be and so you do not have to ruin your life for it. Your half siblings did not ask to be born in to the hellish situation so spare them from your unwarranted wrath.
I used to think that I can forgive and forget easily. It takes super human effort to truly forgive and forget. I guess only saints can be able to do that kind of feat. I can only understand the situation, I confess, but something like that is truly unforgivable and unforgettable. It is a major shift in your life so even time cannot redefine or undone that. But I do not use it not to trust the trustworthy and vie away from the liars and jerks.
So for fathers out there, fatherhood never stops when your obligations has been done. Fatherhood is a lifetime job. So when you do something, decide like it always comes from your family. Pride can ruin your last shot of keeping your family together so do not let it rule you.
To the women who might be engaging in illicit affairs, please stop. No matter how love can make everything you do wrong right, it can never alter the fact that you are becoming the reason of the thousands of broken families out there. No matter how happy you might become, your happiness cost many others' misery.
If someone stole you daddy's hugs from you, never let it hold you back from living your life. Never make it an excuse to inflict pain in anyway just because you suffered. Prove to yourself that strength comes from knowing your sad history and yet deciding to still enjoy what is left of the rest of your life without having to hurt anyone.
At times, I do miss hugging my dad, but I know, no one is already there to come home and hug me back. I know one day, I will get to hug him again and I still hope in total acceptance and forgiveness. In the end, daddy only made me stronger.
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