
Sunday, April 14, 2013

Begin Again and Again

Photo credit - Link
Some things are good to begin with but better never ended at all.

Have you ever started something with such enthusiasm you burn out before you reach completion? Yes? Well, you might be guilty of being a fire starter then. Well not the arson tendency type but more of the procrastination type. 

We have always these ideas circling in our minds that gets you when you are just staring in blank space and in that moment, they seem to be great ideas indeed. And then you realize you try to fit these great things into the mundane real life and somehow along the way, you fail to follow through.

And inevitably, these great ideas go to the back burner and you say your temporary inclinations can be left to do in your next five years. But the next five years never said you will be ready to launch your great ideas. Nothing in your life will ever will. 

If a great ideas has been in your plans, then you owe it a try once in a while. Not in a great while, but in a reachable plan. 

Ideas come to you because they are meant to be lived. Meant to have a chance not only to exist in your mind, but to be tested in the ever changing currents of your life. If this one great idea can work in your life, what can stop it from working in someone else's life too?

The ability to turn an idea to reality is so intrinsic in each one of us -- we can dare say we are all creators by nature. Humans have the facilities to control at least some of their environment partially, it is a sad excuse not to use all these resources to generate what we have in our minds.

Blame it on commercialism or social norms or limited expectations that we tend to put off what we really have been thinking to do for a long time. People tend to build bucket lists, goals, vision boards and many other forms of expressions of their dreams - they can all be haunting fragments of what you can actually be capable of doing.

So do not be afraid to be labeled a fire starter. We all are. Successful people often are fire starters on their own - misunderstood, judged, and underestimated often. But never be afraid to begin again and again. There is bravery involving the art of igniting passion for life, and it can never end. If you let it end, you will loose the spark in your own life. You will succumb to the dreams of others. Why do that when you have fabulous dreams and ideas yourselves?

So start the sparklers! They might ignite the hidden passions and ideas you kept too long let them shine even for just fleeting seconds for the world to see. And if that does not do it, begin again. Never let it end you see. 

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