
Thursday, August 11, 2011

“I Am In Love and I am Terrified” Syndrome Cure – Be Still! (A Message to My Scho’99 sisters)

Photo credit - Link

"Flight mode..."
The trouble with love when it comes to intellectuals (like most of us, do not deny it duh!) is that it needs reason or logic to become real. In our lives, things were often achieved and successful using the mind, almost disregarding intuition or the whispers of the heart. It leads us all into thinking that love is a mental thing and can be handled with aplomb amidst the raging emotions in us. What we fail to remember is that love in itself is a force to be reckon with. No matter how we can say why we love a person – we will never break the mystery of this force.

Life is on a routine for most of us today but then, suddenly kaboom! Out of the blue, we encounter such irrational intangible thing called love. The person we never noticed suddenly becomes the recipient of all the odd stirrings in us (cri cri cri). We, of course, as rational individuals try to deny the fact that a sudden realization took place. In no frontiers, reason, or name we felt it – love. Most of us are romantics, no matter how try we approach love in a scientific manner.

Books and more books have tried to explain the many plateaus and philosophies of love. They do echo plausible and rational whys and hows, even the whos. Others try to explain love as genetically based and some make it more appealing by having faculties of the mind being used to influence if not manipulate love and all its cousins of desire, passion, and commitment.

Its a never ending battle between mind and heart when it comes to caring about someone. We should not give up on love as being a free radical – it moves the most impossible to possible. If people can just let it be and making it something needlessly rationalized, maybe the world can be a better place. Miracles are built on love. It is the one thing that manifests our souls in this material world. So be still, think of all the little things in your life that makes you fee l love. Trust me, the list you conjured in your mind will never fail to make you feel better. Love is just love. No rules, no walls, no bridges. Let it allow to transform and challenge who you are. You always come out better or changed, that is well-assured.

So be it, romantic or not, be grateful it always find a place in your life. It could be how your Mom tell you to always carry an umbrella even if it does not seem to rain. How your pet puppy licks up your face when you get home. Maybe the way your siblings cheerfully pester you once in a while. Or maybe the sound of the laugh of old friends when you are having the same conversations for the nth time in the coffee shop. Or simply, the way you set time aside for yourself to enjoy your own simple little pleasures in your life. That is love.

We always would want to strive to have that talent of “prismic perception” – the ability to make colors in your point of view. We must think this ability comes hand in hand in the cure of running away from love (oh yes, we do that and a lot!). So ease the unwarranted vulnerability and revel in the strength to take up its challenges. Test your mettle and how far you can go.

Love makes us human, after all (even if we are self-proclaimed goddesses haha!). So learn to never fear it. Look it in the eyes and welcome it. So live, laugh, and love MORE!

Note to self. Date the next guy who asks you out! Make time for it and throw the I-am-busy lame excuses. Be still and be in love and terrified at the same time!

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