
Monday, December 30, 2013

A List of 31 Quick Ponderings

This is a post for some 31 random thoughts that a year of life can make anyone think about. Quick to the point, blunt, and hopefully relatable to the other 30 something out there.

1. Never plan too much to end up in disappointment.

2. Cry alone for no reason. You need no reason at all to cry at times and be okay with it.

3. Always do good, if possible, better work than you did yesterday.

4. Strive to do something different and interesting at least once a month. 

5. Taking a walk at least every other day can help you think.

6. Keep yourself guessing on what interests you.

7. A routine can help you get through drudgery but never let it stop you for some fun.

8. You get to predict what can people do or say, but the way they think about you is not your damn problem. 

9. Find a pair of good non-judging ears and strive to return the favor each time.

10. Immerse yourself in your local culture. 

11. Do some brain puzzles once in a while.

12. Appreciate the small indulgence you can have.

13. Drink a bottle of beer or a glass of red wine when you have a bad day before going to sleep.

14. Relish being a wallflower at parties. It is so fun to just watch people and surprise them with insights.

15. Watching movies is truly an escape.

16. Do more work, do little gossip, do better than expected. Watch how good you get at what you are doing.

17. Keep adding something in your bucket list. 

18. Create your own self traditions that you keep secret.

19. People can hurt you but seek to find a reason to smile and not be hard on yourself.

20. Your expectations can be attainable as long as you do not listen to naysayers.

21. Travel. Always find time to be in a different place, get lost, and find who you are at the end.

22. It is good to let other people know how you appreciate their help often.

23. Never bite your tongue when someone insults your mom.

24. Let the unexpected unfold and let go of control.

25. Find your own therapy. Be it writing, listening to music, or extreme sports. 

26. Seek to understand the two sides of the coins.

27. Learn that people can be understood by their behavior, less than their intentions or words.

28. Admire someone you want to become one day.

29. Silence with others and yourself is healthy. Shutting your brain can be a release.

30. Trust is essential, especially in yourself.

31. Define your own happiness and purpose in the service of others. Make a difference with your life.

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